Visitors poured into the Clinton Presidential Library to see the exhibit celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Contour Coca-Cola bottle that was created by the Root Glass Company of Terra Haute, Indiana.
The story behind the contour bottle started in the U.S. It was such a popular product that others tried to duplicate the brand. In 1915, the company put out a creative brief to 8 different glass companies. The brief ask the companies to come back with a design for a bottle that could be recognized lying broken on the ground or that you could feel in the dark.
Earl Dean sketched out the initial design of the Coca-Cola bottle in 1915. It followed the shape of the Coca Pod and it had the ribs that were vertical running up and down the bottle with a beautiful base and a spout. The sketch was turned into a patent submission. The patent was approved and granted to the Root Glass Company in November of 1915. The sketch was created into a bottle mold and in 1916 the Coca-Cola bottle was introduced nationwide.
“Great design and it appeals to all the senses,” said James Summorville, Vice President of Global Design in a video interview at the exhibit.
For 50 years, Coca-Cola was package in a six and half ounce contour bottle. In 1960, the trademark office offered trademark registration for the contour bottle. At that time coca cola was the best-known consumer package in the world.
“The fascinating thing to me about the contour bottle is that particularly today it’s a memory” said Ted Ryan, the Director of Heritage Communications in a video interview at the exhibit.
Mac Mathis works at the Clinton Presidential Library Gift Shop and he says he’s seen a lot of visitors come to the exhibit. “It’s been pretty popular, and I’ve only been here a week.” Said Mathis.
The exhibit also displayed paintings from Norman Rockwell and other iconic artist. The exhibit will go on Monday through Sunday at the Clinton Presidential Library until February 15th.